Read, Match, Print

Our intelligent inserting equipment has solved the marketing challenges today’s companies face. We Read, Match by sorting through a multitude of possible documents, verifying multiple pages, and then Print, and use selective inserting from a range of brochures or marketing material inserts, creating advantages to distinguish your business:

  1. Quicker mail delivery
  2. Comprehensive quality control
  3. More reliable response tracking and reporting, and 4) Easier campaign administration for our clients.

Utilizing 2D barcodes and a sophisticated system of cameras and software, we verify that the pieces in the envelope match each other while the write the address on the outside of the envelope. The camera reads the 2D barcode, which is usually no larger than ¼ square inch, on each piece and if something doesn’t match, the machine diverts it out of the line. The processor physically analyzes the envelope, identifying anything did not match, immediately catching and correcting them.

Still not convinced?  This same process can collect data or response information from return mailings, such as ‘change of address forms,’ ‘surveys returned to you from customers,’ ‘donation collections for your charity,’ and much, much more.  The possibilities are, quite literally, endless as the technology is advancing by the day.